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电话: 20-34699061
姓名: Soundbox
Guangzhou Soundbox Acoustic Technology Co., Ltd

  Soundbox Acoustic Technology Co Ltd is a leading pioneer in the research, development and manufacture of acoustic, sound control, insulation and damping *域名隐藏* association with leading acousticians, architects and interior designers throughout the world, our products epitomizes the most aesthetically creative and contemporary interpretations by design. Carved in compliance to strict international quality standards, our products and systems can be found in many domestic and internationally renowned landmarks from the Far East to Europe and United States of America....

主要产品/业务: Office private booth Compared to designing a quiet space in the office through renovation, using privacy office booth is a simple and easy solution to gain privacy.

Guangzhou Soundbox Acoustic Technology Co., Ltd / 广东 / 12#, Huashan Road, Shilou Town, Panyu District, Guangzhou. (511450 ) / 电话:20-34699061

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